The European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) and American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) are proud to continue their Basic and Translational Research Conference series with this new joint conference in Dublin, Ireland in collaboration with the Irish Association for Cancer Research (IACR).
Gathering top experts in the fields of immunology, drug development, tumour microenvironment, genomics and epigenetics, this Joint Conference will focus on bringing the latest discoveries from basic science to the clinic. The forum will highlight the latest cutting-edge advances in the understanding of the genomics, epigenetics and molecular pathways involved in the development of pre-cancerous and cancerous lesions and/ or in cancer response to therapy. The scientific programme blends basic and translational research from preclinical models to patients.
Cancer is caused by a complex interaction between inherited genetics, acquired somatic mutations, epigenetic changes and environmental factors. Genetic and epigenetic changes alter the competitive fitness of normal, stem and/ or progenitor cells giving them the ability to grow uncontrollably and spread. However, cancers develop in complex tissue environments, which they depend upon for progression and metastasis and cancer development is further modulated by the immune response. Understanding how reciprocal communication between cancer cells, the immune and stromal cells controls tumour development and modulates the response to therapeutic intervention is key for progressing cancer care. Moreover, a series of new, exciting studies have recently investigated the effects of conventional chemotherapy and immunotherapy uncovering unanticipated additional modes of action and unforeseen cellular effects. Altogether this opens novel opportunities for mechanism-based combinations, the discovery of novel drug targets and the development of new drugs.
The target audience for this conference is basic and translational scientists, including experienced investigators and trainees at all levels with an interest in cancer development and treatment, as well as clinicians involved in the development of novel therapeutic approaches to treatment.
The year of the conference marks IACR’s 60th anniversary.
Open for full rate registrations from:
27 January 2024
Continuing Medical Education Activity AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM available
Follow along on social media and engage with the event using #EAISciencetoClinic
Above: the beautiful venue city of Dublin
Committee members
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